There are misconceptions in pursuing a stable
and happy relationship... now, this entry
is not meant to advice or create specific guidelines
for attaining complete Nirvana with your boyfriend or
girlfriend because such guidelines do not exist...
My intentions are merely to expand on a thought that
I had in mind while I was walking around NMC today...
There's a big difference between telling someone that
you 'need' them and that you 'want' them...
Often, the usage of need and want are
adjoined to describe one's feelings towards another...
It is a deprivation of self-sufficiency, not to mention
degrading, to submit to these very words, 'I need
_____.' Infatuation has a way of manipulating our
mind to believe that our happiness is founded by the
words of 'i love you' and show of affection from the
other individual. In truth, this 'true love' that we
all seek is rarely in accordance with the strong
dependence of the presence of another individual...
Needing a person will never bring about pure and
unconditional love...
But wanting... wanting is something completely different...
A 'want' for a person establishes what stable relationships
are founded by and that is committment. From
personal expirience, I have foolishly interrelated the usage of
the two words, which cluttered the purpose of my pursuit
with the other individual.
Self-sufficiency is admirable indeed. A woman that
possesses such characteristics completes herself. It
denudes her from 'needing' him because she is everything
she wants to be...

Coco Chanel

Katherine Hepburn

Audrey Hepburn
I absolutely agree!!LOL
i agree with suel ki...who agrees with you. <3
i really admire the way you are handling this. keep your spirits high! it's almost christmas! <3
hey...your post really got me thinking...which is why i am adding another comment!
what you said about needing and wanting is correct. they don't mean the same things and they certainly don't imply true love. true love is a connection. it's not perfect, it's not easy, but it's real. and that is why it lasts. and like suel ki said, you have to experience bad relationships to cherish and create working ones. they don't call them "working" for no reason. but because you have to work, that is what makes it so beautiful. you are both working towards a common goal.
to say that a guy makes a girl complete (or vise versa) is a misconception i think. as people, we are whole. we complete ourselves, and that is what empowers us. people who must rely on others to stand lack the confidence to believe in themselves. therefore, they cannot succeed. once we realize how powerful we are, nothing can stop us. it's like that quote "our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate. our greatest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. it is our light, not our darkness, which frightens us most." we shouldn't be afraid to stand alone. there is power in numbers, but there is greatness in the individual. we simply have to see the potential in ourselves.
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