Thursday, November 15, 2007

An Old Poem

Fallen Angels

The boots they come after the rain has gone;

Bright and full of color like the face of the sun.

The simple tapping of the children's feet

As they pass through the puddles of wet streets.

Splitter splatter just like the rain

These notes are carried on down the building's drain

The sap of the tree rings the joy of the rain

That has befallen on this land

The renewal and the joy as people walk hand in hand

Pit pat, pit pat, pit pat nature rejoices with a grin

Like the tapping tail of Serena's fin

A splat and a splitter and silence in between

Of the gift that has turned the trees green

And brought serenity just below heaven

Oh its lively patting is a leaven

To the hard ground that it befalls

It's the song from heaven that calls

And falls and falls and falls

To bring life back to the people below...


taylor elaine said...

i remember being there when you wrote this! gosh, it feels like forever ago! remember i wrote one about the guy getting eaten by shark? sounds kinda lame in comparison with yours. but i really love this poem! you've got talent~!

Vi said...

aww thanks taylor n_n heehee... I'm happy to know that there is someone out there that recognizes my pieaces as poems and not as emo entries... LOL... I loved your shark poem! lol it was so fitting with the 'situation' and it was hilarious! heehee... I MISS YOU <3 because I didn't see much of you today... : (